Commissioner Barakati to Enforce 2021 Local Order Expelling Ambororo

By Baraka John 

The County commissioner for Yambio County Hon. Mbiko Barakati has told Anisa radio that his office is on the verge to revive and enforce the 2021 local order issued by the State’s top authority for the expulsion of Ambororo nomads from the Territory of Western Equatoria. 

In 2021 Governor Futuyo issued a state local order banning locals from trading with the foreign pastoralists, the order stated that any local found trading with the nomads will face drastic measures in a court of law.  

However, the order remained unimplemented as the local communities could still be seen buying cattle from the nomads, something Commissioner Barakati termed defiant of the State move adding that the order will soon be enforced, to ensure the nomads are out of Yambio County.

On the 18th of March 2023, a group of Ambororo nomads was reported to have attacked a house of a 65 years old man in an area called Berezigbo of Bangasu payam in the eastern part of Yambio County and gunned down four people. This incident has sparked fear among the locals in the area. 

The Yambio county commissioner blamed locals for continuously trading with the foreign pastoralists which he says create room for them to stay in Yambio and other parts of the State.

“What brought Ambororo back are the citizens of Western Equatoria, few of us who have been trading with the Ambororo, who pool them to enter again in Western Equatoria, supplying them with salt and money, buying cows from them and again supply them with all the needs they want”, Commissioner Barakati said.

Barakati further said that any one person found in the act defying the state order will be penalized by the county.

“I want to tell the people of Yambio County in particular that we have a local order which was issued by the honorable governor in 2021 and again renewed in the same year for the State in general, that Ambororo should leave Western Equatoria State, nobody should exercise business activities between him or her and Ambororo. Somebody who will be caught conducting business with Ambororo, first and foremost the goods and motorbikes you are using will be confiscated and you will be taken to the court of law for breaking the local order”, Barakati added.   

The presence of Ambororo nomads in some parts of Western Equatoria State continues to create fear among the population as they do not know the motive of the foreign pastoralists in the State.

On 21st March 2023, the King of Azande Kingdom His majesty king Atoroba Peni Rikito Gbudue called on the public to stop trading with the foreign cattle keepers stressing that this activity keeps the nomads in the areas causing havoc in the community. 

He urged the state government to work hard to stabilize security to allow the farmers to cultivate as the rainy season has started.  

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