Over 130 People Have Undergone Eye Surgery in Ngboko and Nzara

By Baraka John

At least 137 people have undergone successful eye surgery in Ave Maria Ngboko Parish St Paul missionary of Source Yubu and at St Theresa mission hospital Nzara County.   

A team of ophthalmologists from Spain arrived in Yambio two weeks ago to conduct this mass surgery among members of the community who have suffered for so long with eye-related diseases including cataracts.   

Speaking in the morning of Thursday 16th, March 2023, during a farewell gathering to honor the service discharged by the team of ophthalmologists, Dr. Blanca Cracia an ophthalmologist with the team said that they were able to conduct eye surgery for 137 people who lost their sights but they are now able to see after successful operations.  

Dr. Gracia said, the eye specialists spent ten days conducting the operation in the two locations but that wasn’t enough as there is still high demand for the service in these two areas, as people with the eyesight could still be seen turning up to access the service after the 10 days elapsed.

“We have worked on people with eye problems who were brought from Tambura, Ezo, and from Source Yubu to access the service at St Paul missionary Ngboko Parish, this was an outreach program from Spain and an invitation from the missionary brothers of St Paul missionary Ngboko Parish. We look forward to coming back again to help this community”. DR. Gracia said

On the other hand, the vicar general of the Catholic Diocese of Tambura Yambio (CDTY), Fr. Thomas Bagbiowia, applauded the team of eye specialists for the great work they have done for the community.  

Fr. Bagbiowia noted the concern and commitment of the Diocese to take care of both the body and the soul as part of the Catholic Church’s mission.

“We believe that the ministry of Jesus in Luke chapter four is being lifted and implemented by you, to open the eyes of the blinds physically and spiritually, now you are living the gospel value. You have just started in the diocese, which means the continuity has to be there with the support of the Diocesan administration as well as the missionary of St Paul and all of us”. The vicar stated

On his part, the director of the Catholic organization for development (CODEP), Fr. Mbikoyo Charles, described the work done by the eye specialists as a great service to the integral human person in the social wing of the diocese.

“Health sector is one of the sectors that the social wing of the Diocese focuses on, because without good health then we will have a poor quality of people in our country and in our diocese”, Fr. Charles said.

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