CODEP has Launched the Use of Hand Dug Well at St. Jude Catholic Chapel Under St. Augustine Catholic Parish in Yambio-WES

By Joseph Ernesto

The Catholic Organization for Development and Peace (CODEP) on Wednesday 10th May 2023 launched the use of one of the seven proposed hand-dug wells at Gangara Emilia in Yambio. The project is aiming at digging seven wells in different areas in the Catholic Diocese of Tambura Yambio in the identified points where it had been hard for the parishioners to access safe water.

The launching ensures that the remaining 6 wells that are in progress will soon be completed.

Speaking at the event, Rev. Fr. Mbikoyo Charles Director of CODEP thanked the donors for funding seven Wells in the Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio and he reassured the donors of their improvement of performance proofed by evidential accountability and teamwork in running impacted projects.

 He mentioned that there are challenges as one of the areas had been hard to access underground water due to high geological factors and will therefore require the high technical ability to provide water for this community.

The project manager Mr. Ngbanisa David added that the launching of clean drinking water is a great achievement for the local community revealing that the catholic diocese of Tambura Yambio is one of the dioceses facing a serious humanitarian crisis as many parishes suffer from a lack of basic services and one of the leading challenges is lack of clean drinking water.

He further said that clean drinking water is basic for human life and also supports economic activities in the parishes,

Ngbanisa noted that the fixing of the seven boreholes will be completed within the month of May 2023 and set for training of the water users committee in early June for sustainability purposes, urging for humanitarian support in terms of Non-food items, seeds, and tools for the vulnerable returnees in greater Tombura and IDPS in Yambio for stability.

Mr Mathew Smith the vice president of development of Sudan Relief Fund thanked the partners and members of the community for their active participation in the launching adding that “Water is Life” while reiterating commitments to work in partnership with CODEP to execute the project.      

The 7 hand dug boreholes are a project funded by the Sudan Relief Fund since November 2022 and were distributed in 7 parishes of the Catholic Diocese of Tambura Yambio such as St. Lucy parish Mambe, our Lady of Fatima Maridi parish, Corpus Christ Catholic parish Gangura, St. Jude Chapel Gangara, Emilia’s Justin Basukangbi parish Bianca, Quasi parish Banduguyo and St Cecilia Bagidi parish.

“Uphold Truth to Overcome the Challenges that are Surrounding Life”, Kenyan Catholic Bishop to Graduands

By Sr. Henriette Anne FSSA

Graduands at a Kenya-based Institute of Philosophy have been encouraged to uphold truth in order to overcome the challenges that are surrounding life.

Bishop Hieronymus Joya, the Bishop of Maralal Diocese, Kenya, who was the main celebrant and the guest of honor at the 49th graduation ceremony at Consolata Institute of Philosophy on Friday, May 5th explained that “it is the truth that makes us manage our life and overcome challenges that are surrounding us and if you only uphold truth, there will be no challenge that we cannot overcome”.

Among those who graduated is Seminarian Clement Daru Mangu Bande who comes from the Catholic Diocese of Tombura Yambio, Our Lady Help of Christian Parish in Tombura, and is a member of the Congregation of Sons of Divine Providence Missionary based in Nairobi, Kenya which was founded by St. Luigi Orione an Italian.

He added, “It is the truth that will teach us to leave upright life because the truth makes us to be more morally upright amidst the degradation of morality in society, we need the truth that makes us live a holy life”.

The prelate who is a member of the Institute of Consolata Missionaries (IMC) noted that the truth teaches us to love one another, co-exist with each other, and to live in peace and harmony with one another as brothers and sisters.

The 49th graduation ceremony was themed “Dialogue as a Way of Confronting Challenges Facing Our Society”.

On his part, the representative of the formators Rev. Fr. Cirus Karudhi noted that the vocation of man is to live in harmony with all other being on earth.

“Keep Yambio Open Market Clean to Prevent Infection”, says the Executive Officer of Yambio Municipality

By Arkangelo Rangabia

The executive officer of Yambio town municipality Mr. Zachariah Moses Timangi on 9th May 2023, urged both businessmen and women to “keep Yambio’s open market clean in order to prevent the spread of the diseases”.

Speaking to Radio Anisa, the executive officer of Yambio Municipality Mr. Zachariah called on the business community operating in Yambio Municipality to keep the environment clean to prevent infection caused by the unclean environment.

 “This general cleaning is the first of the year and is expected to occur every time whenever the market is unclean”, he added.

He urged the general public to stay away from garbage to prevent waterborne diseases caused by an unclean environment adding that the exercise will be carried out in other open markets around Yambio Municipality stressing that keeping the town clean will be a collective responsibility to see to it that garbage within the market is properly maintained by the public.

Mr. Moses further said, “Health is Wealth”, the general public should maintain a clean environment to maintain good health since raw food, vegetables and fruits including restaurants that operate within the market surroundings must be clean.

The executive officer for Yambio Municipality called on the public to repeat this exercise continuously in their different institutions as the Municipality will one day visit every institution including individual houses to monitor the surroundings.

On his part, Mr. Victor Elisa the chairman of the chamber of commerce called on the public especially the business community of which restaurant practitioners and tea sellers to throw food remains into dust bins to minimize flies in their food selling points.

 He added that the chamber of commerce will set rules and regulations that will seize those who will not abide by the rules and regulations set aside to keep the environment clean and any perpetrator will be dealt with according to the rules.     

Bishop Daniel Adwok, the Auxiliary Bishop of Khartoum, Appeals for Assistance Upon the Church Personnel fleeing Sudan

By Sr. Henriette Anne FSSA

As the violent conflict between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) worsens, Bishop Daniel Adwok, the Auxiliary Bishop of Khartoum has appealed for assistance upon the people fleeing from Sudan, especially the church personnel who are currently in the borders of South Sudan, Paloch, Renk and Jodan.

“I am more concerned about the Church personnel heading to the border of South Sudan, priests, and religious sisters. Quite a number of them are entering Kosti and Renk and need to be assisted”.

Addressing the Sudan and South Sudan Bishops Conference he added, “I believe the Secretariat of Bishops can assist in handling the situation in coordination with the priests in Renk especially. The planes airlifted people from Paloch to Juba. Some effort could be made by the Secretariat staff to see that the sisters especially could be airlifted from Paloch to Juba and in Juba appeals could be made to the religious houses to host those sisters and priests until they plan their further destinations.

In a message addressed to the Chairman and all the members of Sudan and South Sudan Conference of Bishops by Bishop Daniel concerning the situation stated that “as you well know your Excellency, during the past four weeks, Sudan has been in conflict between the ruling regime and the RDF militia. Many people have fled the country (Sudan), some by air, land, and sea. Among them are also Church personnel. Others are still finding their way out. Among the main exit ports that are now still functioning are, the Egyptian border and the border with South Sudan via Joda and Renk. Joda, Renk, and Paloch towns are now congested with people fleeing from the conflict coming from all directions of Sudan, not only Southern Sudanese but also people of other nationalities.

According to the message shared on Friday, May 5, 2023, Bishop Daniel said that the crisis is going beyond their capacity and called upon their partners, the CARITAS Confederation and other charities to assist them.

He further revealed that “the Present moment it appears that, there is no one single organization having the capacity to handle the emergency response needed for the people fleeing the conflict in Sudan. There is a need to sound an alarm bell”.

“In Renk, there is Fr. Akile +211 912503333 who can be the contact person for the Secretariat in Juba. There are also people in Paloch who could be of help through Fr. Akile”. He noted.

“In Juba, I think there are people who could also assist especially connected with the flights. I think we can try to do something”, he appealed.

He, therefore, called upon the Lord to enlighten them to respond to the needs of their people, especially the Church Personnel.

Symbolic Gifts that Christians from Western Equatoria gave the Apostolic Nuncio

By Joseph Ernesto

Religious leaders and Parishioners in the Catholic Diocese of Tambura Yambio offered numerous traditional gifts including Bicycles to the Apostolic Nuncio of South Sudan and Kenya as a sign of unity and love in Christ on 30th April 2023.

Addressing the audience in a get-together ceremony organized at the Diocesan secretariat Curia, the Apostolic Nuncio welcomed the good gesture shown by the Christian community of Western Equatoria, urging the faithful Christians to always build their lives in Christ as He is the only way to salvation.

While in Yambio, Archbishop Bert Van Megen Hubertus ordained three candidates to the priesthood at St Mary Mother of God, Yambio.

His Grace Bert Van Megen urged the priests not to prioritize their personalities in order to represent Christ in their daily life. ’’The persona of a priest has to disappear behind the altar; whenever at the service of the Lord, we represent Christ, not ourselves; we, therefore, have to behave outside as indoors, showing Christ-like behaviours to the people of God.’’

He expressed his thankfulness to the people of the Catholic Diocese of Tambura Yambio adding that whatever they have offered is for Christ that he and other priests represent. ‘’ whatever you have presented here is not for me but for an important person who is Christ that, I represent Christ.’’

For his part, His Lordship Barani Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala thanked the Vatican ambassador and charge Daffair of the Vatican in Juba for their willingness to come despite unfortunate changes in the planned program.

Bishop Eduardo pleads for more future commitments to promote evangelization in the Diocese adding that the Nuncio should forward the plea of the Diocese to the Holy Father Pope Francis.

Hundreds of parishioners brought their gifts as a means to seek blessings.

The gathering started with the presentation of gifts from Deaneries, Parishes, Centres, Chapels, religious denominations, and different entities of the Diocese including individual gifts.

The business community offered two brand new bicycles described as City Bike, one for Nuncio and one for Monseigneur urging that the bicycles should facilitate transportation for evangelization in their destinies.

Among the gifts were, honey, various fruits, ground nuts, and cassava local and traditional assets to Nuncio, Monseigneur, and the missionary sisters.

“If the Dignity of Work is to be Protected, then the Basic Rights of Workers Must be Respected,” says Bishop Hiiboro

By Joseph Ernesto

The Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Tambura Yambio noted that the basic rights of workers must be respected, the right to productive work, to decent and fair wages, to the organization and joining of unions, to private property, and to economic initiatives.

In his homily at St. Mary Mother of God Yambio, His Lordship Barani Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala says work is more than a way to make a living, it is a form of continuing participation in God’s creation “if the dignity of work is to be protected, then the basic rights of workers must be respected” he explained.

He further mentioned that work is a necessity, part of the meaning of life on this earth, a path to growth, human development, and personal fulfillment adding that helping the poor financially must always be a provisional solution in the face of pressing needs.

He urged the government of South Sudan to move on to work in order to boost the economy of the country to eradicate poverty. “I would like to remind everyone, especially government to engaged in boosting our nation’s economic and social assets, that the primary capital to be safeguarded and valued is man, the human person is his or her integrity”:

The prelate added that in many cases, poverty results from a violation of the dignity of human work, either because work opportunities are limited through unemployment or underemployment because the low value is put on the work and rights that flow from it, and the right to a just wage and to the personal security of the worker and his or her family.

He revealed that the importance of the associations is that “all people have the right to economic initiatives, to productive work, to just wages and benefits, to decent working conditions, as well as to organize and join unions or associations.

Catholic Diocese of Tambura Yambio celebrated its patron saint, St. Joseph the Worker on Monday 1st May 2023 under the theme “centralizing on the dignity of work and of workers”.

“Accept the Call of God and Work Towards the Will of God in His Vineyard”, Nuncio to Newly Ordained Priests

By Joseph Ernesto and Arkangelo Rangabia

The apostolic Nuncio to Kenya and South Sudan Archbishop Van Bert Megen ordained three deacons into the priesthood on Sunday 30th April 2023 in the Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio at St. Mary Mother of God Parish in Yambio.

The three young men ordained into priesthood were Deacon Santino Wise Makuei born in Gogrial and joined seminary under Nakindo Sene Zereda Nzara, Deacon Paingbafuyo Luke Doboyo, and deacon Bagaipai John both born in Ezo Parish of the Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio.

The three were ordained into diaconate on 3rd June 2022 in Nakindo Sene Zereda Nzara.

In Homily, His Grace Van Bert the Apostolic Nuncio to Kenya and South Sudan called on religious to accept the call of God and work towards the will of God in his Vineyard.

“Priests are called among their own people in order to serve them, therefore they should serve wholeheartedly. As Christ laid his life for us, they, in turn, should lay their life for the people of God”, he said.

He further called upon the Christians to remain united as they work for the universal church of God in which there is no segregation by race, origin, and language adding that the Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio through the ordination is expressing the unity of the universal church we are talking about.

He promised to continue praying for the people of the Diocese and South Sudan at large and he will forward any of the people’s queries to the Pope.

Multitude attended the occasion from different countries such as Mexico, Texas, and Nairobi, USA among others as well as government officials, NGO employees, Kingdom representatives, and other denominations including the Bishop of the Episcopal Church of Sudan and South Sudan Bishop of Ezo Diocese Rt. Rev. Ephraim Bangisa who is said to have been accompanied by the three ordained into priesthood two are originally from Regina Mundi Catholic Parish Ezo including Makuei who completed his Pastoral work in the same Parish of Ezo.

The occasion was organized to take place in Ngboko Source Yubu in the Western part of Western Equatoria State about 135 miles from Yambio. The ordination was to be part of 100 years celebration of faith in Ave Maria Parish Ngboko but was abruptly relocated due to security instability in the area.

Many Christians from mid-west and western deaneries used motorcycles and bicycles to come and witness the ordination and to show love for the ordained.  The journey of faith of these Christians was self-sponsored through the financial scarcity in the country.

The centenary celebration was postponed until further notice according to the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio who called the Christians to remain in hope of the change due to insecurity.

The apostolic Nuncio in Yambio on Saturday at the Yambio airstrip where he was warmly welcomed by faithful laying down their sheets of clothes and waving of hands and leaves for the Nuncio as a means to acquire blessings. 

 His Lordship Barani Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio, urged the faithful to welcome different people into the Diocese since Catholic Church is a universal church.

His Lordship thanked the Nuncio for his love, commitment, and humility for the people of the Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio urging him to continuously visit the Diocese as his presence shows the universality of the Catholic Church to the Christians.

Unite in Christ to Build a Better Society, says the Apostolic Nuncio

By Joseph Ernesto

The Vatican ambassador to the Republic of South Sudan and Kenya has urged the Seminarians in the Catholic Diocese of Tambura Yambio to unite in Jesus Christ because, through His Atonement, teaching, hope, and peace, He helps us change our lives, face our trials, and move forward.

Addressing the seminarians during the Eucharist celebration at Diocesan secretariat curia, His Grace Archbishop Bert Van Megen talked of the importance of celebrating the Eucharist, saying; Jesus Christ is the savior of the world, “As we come unto him, He saves us, feel us with His love and brings us hope” he explained.

He added that celebrating the Eucharist is not a private devotion but rather a communal gathering much like a family meal, adding that for Catholics, the Holy Eucharist is very important as instituted at the last supper more than 2000 years ago.

 The Apostolic Nuncio stressed that the difficulties in lives cannot last forever if we believe in Jesus Christ adding that “suffering is in our lives because we are living in a broken world, some suffering is due to sinful and wrong choices”.

He urged the people of Western Equatoria State and South Sudan at large to unite in Christ for peace to prevail in every aspect of life

H.G Archbishop Bert Van Megen Hubertus Matheus Maria and his accompanied delegation were warmly received by a huge crowd of parishioners who rallied at Yambio airstrip to give a welcoming ceremony for the Pope’s representative in the two African Counties.   


1st May St Joseph’s Day

In 1955, an additional feast day was declared by Pope Pius XII and is celebrated on May 1 as the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker. This date is also International Workers’ Day and believed to reflect Joseph as the patron saint of workers.

Who is St Joseph for us?

The husband of Mary and earthly father of Jesus, St Joseph is often referred to as the father in the shadows.

In fact, none of Joseph’s words are written in the gospels and little was recorded about his life.

Joseph is the patron saint of the Universal Church, families, fathers, expectant mothers, travelers, immigrants, house sellers and buyers, craftsmen, engineers and working people, among others. In the grotto behind the Chapel of Saint Joseph stands a statue of St. Joseph the Dreamer.

We, you, me and St Joseph

Saint Joseph is a man of great spirit.

He is great in faith, not because he speaks his own words, but above all because he listens to the words of the Living God.

He listens in silence. And his heart ceaselessly perseveres in the readiness to accept the Truth contained in the word of the Living God. Like St Joseph, how strong is your faith in God?

How much trust do you have in God?

In the face of the ups and downs of life, do you believe that God will bring to fruition his plan for you?

Yes, you can be another St Joseph!

Our New Month Blessings

Through the fervent intercession of St Joseph and our Blessed Mother Virgin Mary, may this month of May be for you and yours, a period of mighty divine surprises and may God’s presence be unceasingly felt in your life, home and all your thoughtful endeavors, Amen!

Happy New Month of May!

Happy feast of CDTY Patron Saint of St Joseph!

Baira Bandaroni du!

St Joseph the Worker from the church in Ave Maria

Participation in the Ordinary General Synodal Assembly Extended to “Non–Bishops”, (priests, deacons, consecrated men and women, laity)

By Sr. Henriette Anne FSSA

 Cardinal Mario Grech, Secretary General of the General Secretariat of the Synod, and Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich SJ, Archbishop of Luxembourg and General Rapporteur of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, in a statement shared with the Vatican Press office, informed the press about the Holy Father’s decision to extend participation in the Synodal Assembly to “non-bishops” (priests, deacons, consecrated men and women, laity).

In their statement, the Holy Father has added an additional 70 people representing various groups of faithful people and they will be chosen by Pope from among a list of 140 people selected by five International Reunions of Bishops Conferences.

“There are no longer auditors. Instead, an additional 70 non-bishop members have been added who represent various groupings of the faithful of the People of God (priests, consecrated women, deacons, lay faithful) and who come from the local Churches. They will be chosen by the Pope from among a list of 140 people selected (and not elected) by the five International Reunions of Bishops’ Conferences (CELAM, CCEE, SECAM, FABC, FCBCO), the Assembly of Patriarchs of Eastern Catholic Churches and, jointly, by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Conference of Catholic Bishops of Canada (20 for each of these ecclesial realities)”.

The letter states that the five women religious and five men religious elected by their respective organizations of Superiors General (UISG, for women religious; and, USG, for male religious) will also be eligible to vote. The ten men and women will replace the ten clerics of the institutes of Consecrated Life who attended the past Synod Assemblies.

Speaking on the election process, the Holy Father added that all elections to be held in plenary and by secret ballot by the respective Synods, Councils, and Bishop’ and Conferences must be ratified by the Pope and their names shall not be made public until the Pope confirms their election.

The changes made by Pope Francis on Wednesday 26th April 2023 further indicate that the Dioceses or Archdioceses without Episcopal Conference may elect a bishop.

“Even (arch)dioceses that are not part of an Episcopal Conference may elect a bishop”.

The General Secretariat of the Synod’s letter emphasizes that “the Assembly will have the opportunity to reflect on its own concrete experience with a view to formulating proposals on how to proceed in the future”.

“This decision reinforces the solidity of the process as a whole, by incorporating into the Assembly the living memory of the preparatory phase, through the presence of some of those who were its protagonists, thus restoring the image of a Church-People of God, founded on the constitutive relationship between common priesthood and ministerial priesthood, and giving visibility to the circular relationship between the prophetic function of the People of God and the discernment function of the Pastors. Thanks to a better integration with the preparatory phase, the Assembly makes concrete the hope that it may “an expression of episcopal collegiality within an entirely synodal Church” (Francis, Address on the 50th anniversary of the Synod).
It is therefore in the role/function of memory that the presence of non-bishops is included, and not in that of representation. In this way, the specifically episcopal nature of the Synodal Assembly is not affected, but rather is confirmed. This is shown first of all by the numerical ratio between bishops and non-bishops, the latter being less than 25% of the total number of Assembly members. But above all this is shown by the way in which the non-bishops are appointed: in fact, they are not elected by some demos or coetus, whose representation they would take on, but are appointed by the Holy Father on the proposal of the bodies through which episcopal collegiality is realized at the level of continental areas, rooting their presence in the exercise of pastoral discernment”.

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